Ghadir special issue

Ghadir is the guardianship Eid

12:13 - 2022/07/12

Ghadir Eid; It is a return to the way of guardianship and leadership, which is higher than monotheism, above all Islamic concepts and values. If the Muslims really win in this issue, by choosing the right leader, they seriously and knowingly stand in his line, they have reached the pinnacle of victory, and they should celebrate it.

Why Ghadir Khumm has been known as “Ghadir”?

Why Ghadir Khumm has been known as “Ghadir”?
10:33 - 2022/07/12

Some people may want to know the meaning of Ghadir and why Ghadir has been called in this name. Actually, it has a historical root. In this article, the author is going to study this issue.  

Ghadir's Importance in the words of infallible Imams

10:07 - 2022/07/12

there are many words from Islamic scholars in which they narrated great quotes about the importance of Ghadir from infallible Imams.

Ghadir in the Words of Non-Muslim

Ghadir in the Words of Non-Muslim
14:03 - 2022/07/11

The non-Muslims are according to the research they did, approved that Ghadir took place and brought a number of sources.

successor of the Prophet (P.B.U.H)

13:51 - 2022/07/11

Eid al-Ghadir is the day when the prophet introduced the best successor from God to the people, a successor who should be excellent and without mistakes like themselves.

Recommended tradition in Ghadeer

"Giving Food" the recommended tradition in Ghadeer
12:26 - 2022/07/11

Recommended traditions in Islam are so varidity. one of them is giving food.

Have women attended Ghadir event, too?

Have women attended Ghadir event, too?
11:22 - 2022/07/11

As a matter of fact, some people want to know whether or not women have attended Ghadir event. Actually, there are some facts and reasons (e.g., necessity of Hajj for women, some narrative reasons, etc.) proving that there were some women in Ghadir event. In this article, the author is going to respond this question whether or not women have attended Ghadir event. 

The meaning of Maula

the meaning of Maula
14:38 - 2022/07/09

-"Maula" means supervisor, leader and guardian

The meaning of “Maula” and its reference to the caliphate and guardian of Amirul Momineen (AS) are controversial issues in Shia history. Those who deny the immediate caliphate of that Imam Ali (AS), or the incident of Ghadeer, or do not accept the Hadith of Ghadeer, furthermore, they say the meaning of Maula is "friend". And even if they cannot deny the meaning of Maula as a guardian, they claim that the people of authority in Islamic legal matters in "Saqifa" saw the expediency of having someone else become the successor as the caliph of the Prophet except Ali (AS).

Umar was the first person who congratulated Ali(as) in Ghadir ?

14:07 - 2022/07/09

-Who was the first person congratulate Imam Ali (a.s.) after becoming the guardian of the Ummah on Ghadir Day? Who said this kind of congratulations: "


Short History of the Ghadir Mosque

Short History of the Ghadir Mosque
13:39 - 2022/07/09

-Ghadir mosque is the Mosque which was constructed to remember the activities took place in this area but no more tobe seen.

Ghadir Khum Eid

Ghadir Khum Eid
11:37 - 2022/07/09

- Ghadir khum is Eid for all muslims since Ali was announced as the successor of the prophet.

Who quoted the traditions about Thaqalayn (hadith of two heavy things) among the Sunnis? (PART TWO)

Who quoted the traditions about Thaqalayn (hadith of two heavy things) among the Sunnis? (PART TWO)
10:08 - 2022/07/07

-Hadith Thaqalayn is  more meaningful to those who are interested in the last pilgrimage of the prophet.
