Sadness and Endless Tears of Imam Sajjad peace be upon him

13:06 - 2022/08/14

-Oh Hussain we cannot leave alone like Kufians.

Sadness and Endless Tears of Imam Sajjad peace be upon him

 Sadness is globally regarded as an undesirable emotion. Islamically speaking, there is a misperception where it is latently ingrained as a proscribed emotion.

After the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s.) his son Imam Sajjad (a.s.) , despite the threat of the enemy to kill him, did not stop crying at all.

They did not bring any food to Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) unless he was crying. One of the servants said to them, I am afraid that your life will be in danger from crying too much! He said: No one understands my sadness and pain except God. Whenever I remember the children of Fatimah (peace be upon them), anger and tears take hold of my throat. One day, one of the servants of the Prophet said: Is there an end to your crying? You cry too much! Hazrat said:

Woe to you. Prophet Yaqoub lost one of his children (Prophet Yousef) while his son was still alive, but prophet Yaqoub cried so much that he became blind. How can I calm down when my father, my brothers, my uncle, and seventeen of my children were killed in front of my eyes?[1]


[1] Manaqib Ibn Shahr Ashub, 303/3


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