constant companion

12:54 - 2022/09/12

there is one book that is always my companion. and I read it whenever I get tired and want to learn more about meanings and perfection.

This book is the Qur'an, that is, the holy book of Muslims.

constant companion

my constant companion

constant companion

Ernest Renan, the famous French philosopher, says:

In my library, there are thousands of volumes of political, social, literary, etc. books, each of which I have not read more than once; But there is one book that is always my companion. and I read it whenever I get tired and want to learn more about meanings and perfection.This book is the Qur'an, that is, the holy book of Muslims.[1]

constant companion


[1] - Blasher, an introduction to the Qur'an, translated by Asadullah Mubasheri, p. 12.


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