God's blessings

10:24 - 2022/11/21


God's blessings

God's blessings

God's blessings: Today, Zohreh Khanum cooked Qorme Sabzi. The Qorme Sabzi of Zahra Khanom is very delicious. Her husband, Agha Reza, also likes Zahra Khanum's Qorme Sabzi. When Mrs. Zohreh cooks Qorme Sabzi, Mr. Reza eats more than before. After the meal, as always, he looks at his wife and thanks her with a smile. Then they both say "Alhamdulillah". It means both says thank God. Of course, they don't say Alhamdulillah only after eating Qorma Sabzi. Ms. Zahra and Mr. Reza never forget to say "Alhamdulillah" while on the meal. After eating each meal, they first say Alhamdulillah and then take the tablecloth away.

We angels like their such actions very much. When people eat and then say Alhamdulillah, we praise them and say about them: "How good these are. God blessed them and they also fulfilled the blessing."

God's blessings

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