The reward of reciting the Quran

08:47 - 2022/11/26


The reward of reciting the Quran

The reward of reciting the Quran

reciting the Quran: Sahar has been going to a Quran reading class for two weeks. This class is held in the mosque library. The teacher of this class is Mrs. Javadi. He is a student. Mrs. Javadi gave each of her students an exam today. The test was in this way everyone had to read one page of the Quran.

Sahar also participated in this exam and passed well. He only misread two or three words. After the exam, she asked Mrs. Javadi: Excuse me, we sometimes read the Quran incorrectly, is it a sin?" Mrs. Javadi said: "You are not misreading on purpose. Don't worry, your deed is not a sin."

Mrs. Javadi's words are true. If someone reads the Qur'an incorrectly, no sin will be recorded for him.

We, the angels, will correct that mistake for him as if she didn't read it wrong. Then we write the reward for reciting the Qur'an correctly.


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