The Behavior of Hazrat Fatimah(S) with her parents

12:49 - 2022/12/25


The Behavior of Hazrat Fatimah(S) with her parents

The Behavior of Hazrat Fatimah(S) with her parents

Hazrat Fatimah (S): For eight years in Mecca, Hazrat Fatimah(S) tried closely with her father in the promotion and development of Islam and was her father's friend and helper in the persecution of infidels, polytheists, and hypocrites. In Abu Talib valley, he endured hardship for three years by his father's side, and when the polytheists harassed and injured the Prophet (PBUH), she comforted the Prophet (PBUH) and treated his wounds.

This is how the Prophet (PBUH) called her "Umm Abiha" (mother of his father).

Fatemeh Zahra (PBUH) always remembered her beloved father and spared no pain to help her father.

It is narrated that: The Prophet (PBUH) had not eaten food for three days, so he had hard hours.  He came to Fatima and said: My daughter, do you have something for eating, I am very hungry.

He said: No, I swear to God! When the Prophet (PBUH) went out, his daughter got sad that she could not feed her father.

Suddenly, the neighbor's daughter knocked on the door and brought two loaves of bread and a piece of meat to Fatima (S).

He was happy and said that we don't have priority over the Messenger of God. While everyone was hungry, he put it under the basket and covered it.

Hazrat Fatimah (S) sent Hasan and Hussain (peace be upon them) to the Prophet (PBUH) to invite their grandfather for a meal. The Prophet (PBUH) came and found very fragrant food under the basket.

He asked where is this food from? Fatimah (S) answered: From God, who gives sustenance to whomever He wants without calculation.

The Prophet (PBUH) and all the members of the family of Ali (PBUH) and the wives of the Prophet (PBUH) ate from it and sent it to the neighbors.

Hazrat Zahra (S) always behaved fully with politeness and modesty towards her father. Although their relationship was very emotional and full of love and intimacy, this did not prevent her special respect and humility toward the Prophet (PBUH).

Hazrat Fatimah




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