A Victory which is the Source of Inspiration for Resistance

11:17 - 2017/08/13

The Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement's victory in the 33-day summer war of 2006 not only inspired all the resistance movements in the region, but also led to the failure of the US Greater Middle East plan.

A Victory which is the Source of Inspiration for Resistance

The Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement's victory in the 33-day summer war of 2006 was a source of inspiration for resistance against any sort of attack and invasion across the globe. Such victory and conquest by the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement witnessed a great boost in its popularity and position in the Islamic world, giving the great spiritual and psychological strength to the regional resistance movements. Analysts are of the view that "the victory of Lebanon's Hezbollah Resistance Movement in the 2006 war against the Israeli regime not only inspired all the resistance movements in the region, but also led to the failure of the US Greater Middle East plan." [1] From the Islamic perspective, expressing opposition to injustice and oppression is a religious duty that all Muslims must fulfill. Since, it is a divine responsibility its fulfillment will bring victory for the believers as a divine sign and a blessing. It is what has been experienced through the history of divine religions in general, and Islamic history in particular. The victory of the resistance movement in 2006 was one of the divine blessings and grace.
[1] https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2013/08/17/119288/palestinian-envoy-hezbollah-victory-source-of-inspiration-for-resistance-movements

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