The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle

14:01 - 2021/12/08

-Lady zeinab is well-known for her resistance and fight aginat Yazid the opprossor of her time. breflily, we are going to review her life style regarding Salat. 

The importance of Salat in lady Zeinab lifestyle


Regarding the importance of Salat in lady zeinab lifestyle, Imam Sajad indicated in this way:

Surly, my aunt Zeinab performed all of her obligatory and none abligatory prayers on standing positon from Kufa to Levant (sham) but in some stations she had to perform her prayer in a sitting position due to hunger and weakness. She distributed her little share of food among children because the ruthless enemy just gave them a piece of bread every day.

There are two important lessons that we could learn from this narrations. First, even in the worst moments that all calamity struck the lady Zeinab, the physical and mental pain did not prevent her from saying her prayer. Second, prayer in tough time can perform as a healing and comforting factor and as Quran recommended we can seek help form Salat.


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