what standing do women have in Islam and Christianity?

13:31 - 2022/11/24
what standing do women have in Islam and Christianity?

what standing do women have in Islam and Christianity?

Examining the position of women in the Christian religion is an important and influential issue that, due to the difference in views, as well as the influence of some groups such as feminists, etc. in Christianity, the scope of this discussion has become much wider.

In this article, we focus on the expressions of the Holy Bible and the verses of the Holy Quran; we are going to outline the approach of Christianity and Islam toward women in this article.

Before starting the discussion, it is necessary to pay attention to some points:

1- The Qur'an and the Holy Bible have mentioned women whose speech and expressions used about them can help us in a comparative study.

The most important woman mentioned in the Qur'an and the Bible is Maryam (PBUH). With a little precision about their position in the Quran and the Bible, we will notice the difference in attitude;[1]

The Qur'an speaks of Mary as Maryam and honors her. In other words; In the Quran, Mary is mentioned independently and even Jesus (PBUH) is referred to as Jesus son of Maryam.[2]

But the Bible considers Mary important because she is the mother of Jesus, and somehow the importance of Mary has come from Jesus.[3]

2- Two basic factors have been involved in Christianity's attitude toward women:

The most important factor; The influence of Jewish literature and law has been in Christianity; Since the Christian world was much more influenced by the Torah, the same attitudes and beliefs of the Jews entered the Christian world as well.

The sacred text of the Jews is also sacred and reliable for Christians; Therefore, it is possible to refer to the text of the Old Testament to understand women from the point of view of Christianity. Also, some issues; Like the discussion of creation, the stories of the prophets, etc., which exist in the Old Testament, are also valid for Christians today.

The status of women at that time; The Christian Bible was written in a period when Jesus (PBUH) was not among the people of the earth, and these texts were written by people other than Jesus.

Environmental and social conditions were also influential in their writing, and naturally, women and their social and individual situations played a role in this writing. Now, according to these points, we will discuss some issues and express the views of Christians below:

Woman and torment to mislead Hazrat Adam (PBUH)

In the Bible and in the story of creation, the woman is mentioned as an agent of Satan in misleading Adam.[4]

Of course, for this reason, it deserves God's punishment and the curse:

" [God] said to the woman: I will greatly increase your labor pain; With pain, you will give birth to children and your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you."[5]

But the Qur'an has a different view on this issue; because according to the Qur'an, Satan tempts both Adam and Eve[6], and even in some verses; Sometimes it has tempted a person alone.[7] But there is no mention of Adam being deceived by Eve. Let alone there be punishment for this matter.

Also, the Qur'an's attitude towards labor pain is a positive attitude that does not have any aspect of punishment.[8]

Woman and family

The Holy Bible, like the Qur'an[9] (although with different literature), considers mothers to be of high honor and dignity and gives priority to mothers over their children:

"Whoever kills his parents shall be killed... Whoever curses his parents must be killed."[10]

Men are also commanded to love their wives:

"Men should love their wives as their own bodies; Because whoever loves his wife loves himself; Because no one has ever had his body as an enemy, but nurtures and caresses it, just as God also nurtures the church."[11]

However, he puts the man before the woman and considers the man to be the foundation of life in family affairs

 "Every woman must obey her husband, and the husband must obey Christ; As Christ also obeys God."[12]

"O, women! As you obey Christ, so obey your husband; because the husband is the administrator and head of the family; Just as Christ is the head of the church... so your wives should be willingly subject to your husbands in everything, just as the church is subject to Christ."[13]

These views are generally approved also by the Qur'an.[14]

But the Bible says:

"But the Bible says: "Man is not from woman, but the woman is from man, and man was not created for woman, but woman was created for man."[15]

Of course, Christian and Jewish thinkers may mention justifications for these types of phrases.

woman and menstrual period

In the Bible, the following is said about this issue:

" And if the current in a woman's body is blood, she will remain in her period for seven days, and whoever touches her will be impure until the night! And everything she sleeps on during her period is impure, and anything she sits on is impure, and whoever touches her bed should wash his clothes and bathe in water and be impure until the night."[16]

According to the way of expression and arrangement of rulings in this issue, women have been spoken of as if they have some kind of contagious disease.

Of course, the Holy Qur'an also has rules for menstruation, but there is no mention of many strict rules of the Holy Bible in the Qur'an. Things like: "Whoever touches him is impure until the night"



[1] - "The position of Hazrat Maryam", question 6591.

[2] - Baqarah, 87; Al-Imran, 45; Nisa, 157.

[3] - "The position of Maryam (PBUH) in the Qur'an and the Bible", question 29833.

[4] - Genesis; 3:1–6.

[5] - Genesis, 3:16.

[6] - Surah A'raf, 20.

[7] - Surah Taha, 120.

[8] - Surah Luqman, 14; Surah Ahqaf, 15 and...

[9] - Surah Isra, 23

[10] - Exodus, 21:15-17.

[11] - Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, 5:28-29

[12] - Paul's first letter to the Corinthians; 3:11

[13] - Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, 5:22-24.

[14]- Surah Nisa, 34

[15] - first Paul's Epistle to the Corinthians, 11:8

[16] - Leviticus, 15:19-24

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