What was the Reason for the Prophet's (PBUH) love for Hazrat Zahra (S.A)?

13:11 - 2022/12/25

-The love the holy prophet showed to his daughter to the entire to respect them.

What was the Reason for the Prophet's (PBUH) love for Hazrat Zahra (S.A)?

What was the Reason for the Prophet's (PBUH) love for Hazrat Zahra (S.A)?

All these statements that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made about Zahra Marziyya (S.A) speak of a kind of wise care, that is, it is not just the feeling or love of father and son that the feelings of father and son required such words and because Hazrat Zahra (S.A) herself, she said these words only on the basis that a father loved his own child.

Such a thing is not possible. Rather, these were a lesson that he gave to the Muslim society because he saw the good of the Islamic Ummah in this.

The extraordinary respect and love that the Prophet had for his daughter Zahra is strange and surprising. Does anyone believe that in the Arab world, until a few years ago, people were ashamed of the presence of girls and buried them alive?

Now once the Prophet has reached the point where he kisses his daughter's hand, smells Zahra and says:

I smell the smell of heaven from this girl, Ansiya Haura is a spiritual human.

These show that just as Ali, peace be upon him, was the model of the man of Islam and the man of Islam, Zahra, peace be upon her, was the model woman of Islam.



[1] Professor Shahid Motahari, Getting to Know the Qur'an, vol. 11, p. 143

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