National Struggle with Arrogance

17:01 - 2022/12/31


National Struggle with Arrogance

National Struggle with Arrogance

National Struggle: The popular movement of the Iranian nation and its bloody revolution has witnessed many ups and downs. The patient people of Iran endured a lot of pain and suffering during this great revolution. and created great and holy events with patience and tolerance.

Every day of this revolution has been a reminder of the epics and bravery of the youth of this country.

November 4 is a great day in the history of the Iranian nation as a symbol of zeal and selflessness.

This day is a reminder of important events that played a key role in the formation of the Islamic Revolution and its continuation.

On November 4.1343. AH. the agents of Shah's regime arrested Imam Khomeini, may God have mercy on him, in Qom .and deported him to Turkey on the orders of the United States.

On November 4. 1357. AH. Tehrani students marched in protest of America's interference in Iran. But the rebel agents of the Shah attacked them and killed them.

And on November 13. 1358. Muslim students following Imam's line captured the American Den of Espionage in Tehran. and took the American spies hostage. The anti-American struggle of the Iranian people gained new dimensions with this move. Therefore, the representatives of the Islamic Council called this day the "National Fight against Arrogance" day.

National Struggle

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