The Quran and Belief in the Rotation of the Sun around the Earth – 3

14:21 - 2024/03/06

The Qur'an says in verses 38 and 40 of Surah Yasin that the sun revolves around the earth. Isn't it contrary to what has found the astronomy!?

 Quran and Science

Quran and Science

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In addition to the apparent movements, the sun also has a real movement (rotational movement of the galaxy). A movement that rotates the sun in space at a speed of about 1130,000 K/h.

So far, three types of rotation have been proven for the sun, in one of which it has a "Postural movement" like the Earth. The other one, it has a "longitudinal translational" movement with the solar system inside the Milky Way galaxy. The third rotation; it has a "rotational translational" movement with the entire Milky Way galaxy.

With the clarification of these astronomical facts and returning to those mentioned verses, we say that the noble verse which says: “Each one [of the sun and the moon] floats in its own path [and orbit]”. With no doubt, it is not compatible with Ptolemy's crystal firmament. It is exactly coordinated with what science has revealed about it today. Also moving towards "stable"; (Residence) is another reference to the movement of the sun to the side of the galaxy, and the expression of this matter is truly a miracle.

There are other verses in the Qur'an which have expressed very precise and scientific content. Contrary to what prevailed in scientific and astronomical circles at the time of the revelation of the Qur'an. They confirm the above meaning. For example, in the past, scientists thought that the earth has a flat and fixed surface. where the sun rises from one side and sets from the other. But the Qur'an assumes the earth to be spherical in a very beautiful interpretation. It says in verse 40 of Surah Ma'arej: “I swear by the Lord of the Easts and the Wests”.[1]

This interpretation may refer to the east and the west of different places. Because according to the sphericity of the earth and the rotation of the earth around itself, at any moment, the sun sets at a point of the earth from the eyes of those who are present at that point, and at the same time, the sun rises at another place of the earth. [2]

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[1] Quran (70: 40) فَلا أُقْسِمُ بِرَبِّ الْمَشارِقِ وَ الْمَغارِبِ

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