The Need for Interpretation of the Qur'an - 1

17:59 - 2024/06/19

Why does the Qur'an, which is the book of guidance, need interpretation?!

The Qur'an's need for interpretation does not contradict its ability to be understood by the public and its guidance.

Quran, the book of guidance

The need for interpretation of the Quran

Some Cyberspace channels, relying on the ignorance and lack of awareness of their audience, publish doubts that can be clarified with a little research. But unfortunately, since the general public is not good at reading, perhaps they accept the doubt just by hearing it and do not search for the answer.

In one of these channels, I saw that they seek to divert people's minds and spread doubts. One of those doubts is that they say: If the Qur'an came to guide people, then why does it need interpretation? This number of interpretations written in the explanation of the Qur'an shows that this book cannot be understood without interpretation. As a result, it is not a book of guidance.

The audience who is not aware of the Qur'an and does not make a little effort to get the answers to the doubts, while facing such doubts, his heart trembles and he doubts: Are they telling the truth and we have been fooled so far?

What is reality?

The fact is that according to the Qur'an itself, its general concepts are understandable to the audience who have little knowledge of the Arabic language. Moreover, even those who are not familiar with the Arabic language and only read the translation of the Quran will understand its concepts and meanings. The story of the conversion to Islam of Eduardo Agnelli, the son of the owner of Fiat Group, is famous, who says: He said: “One day while I was in New York, I was walking in a library and Quran caught my glimpse. I was curious about what was in it. I started reading it in English and I felt that those words were holy words and cannot be the words of men. I was really touched and borrowed the book and studied it further and I felt like I was understanding it and I believed it”.[1], [2]

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