Ahl al-Bayt

Knowing the Position and Scientific power of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)

Knowing the Position and Scientific power of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)
13:13 - 2023/03/15


Greedy human in Imam Baqir's (P.B.U.H.) point of view

Greedy human in Imam Baqir's (P.B.U.H.) point of view
12:14 - 2022/07/07

Imam Baqir (P.B.U.H.) said: “A person who is greedy for this world is like the silkworm that the more it spins around itself, the harder it is to get out of the cocoon, until it dies of sorrow.”.

The Martyrdom of the Children of Fatima (A.S.)

Martyrdom Children Fatima Tears 14:05 - 2018/10/27

Surely, I have never brought to mind the martyrdom of the children of Fatima (A.S.) excep


Ahlulbayt 13:09 - 2018/06/18

قال رسول الله ( صلی الله علیه و آله): لکل شی اساس و اساس الاسلام حبنا اهل البیت ؛ الکافی، ج 2 ، ص

Polytheism or Intercession

Polytheism or Intercession
23:49 - 2017/08/11

The difference between Polytheism and Intercession is that there is a "transverse relationship" toward Allah in the polytheism, while in the intercession the relationship is longitudinal!

Ghulu (exaggeration) from the perspective of the Shia scholars

Ghulu (exaggeration) from the perspective of the Shia scholars
12:11 - 2017/02/22

It is a glance at the Shiite scholars and jurists' viewpoints regarding Ghulat the exaggerators. In this article it is going to be explained the ideas and opinions of Ayatollah Martyr Baqir Sadr and Ayatollah Sabzavari concerning Ghulat in brief.  

What is the wrong defense of Shia and Ahl al-Bayt?

What is the wrong defense of Shia and Ahl al-Bayt?
11:38 - 2017/02/22

It is a brief outline of the wrong defense of Ahl al-Bayt in accordance with the Shiite teachings and doctrines.

the high status of lady fatima (sa)

the high status of lady fatima (sa)
23:27 - 2017/02/13

Fatima is famous and acknowledged as the "Leader of all the women of the world" because, she is a source of guidance for all Muslims, and her attributes mirror those of her father and her husband and her sons.

A glance at some of the sayings of Lady Zahra (S)

A glance at some of the sayings of Lady Zahra (S)
12:34 - 2017/02/13

It is a brief outline of some of the sayings and hadiths quoted from Lady Zahra (S) regarding  religious and moral issues.

Are the Ahl al-Bayt witnessing the human actions?

Imam Husain
09:50 - 2016/10/25

According to some verses of the glorious Qur'an, Allah, the almighty, causes to hear whom He wills, even those whose bodies are lying in the grave.