alcoholic beverages

Using Alcohol for Medical Purposes

Using Alcohol for Medical Purposes 11:46 - 2017/12/17

Question: Is it permissible to consume alcohol for medical purposes?

Consuming Alcohol for Medical Purposes

Consuming Alcohol for Medical Purposes
14:29 - 2017/12/13

There is no problem in buying, selling and using liquids containing alcohol if  you do not know whether it originally belongs to the category of a liquid intoxicant.

Are Alcoholic Beverages Najis?

Are Alcoholic Beverages Najis?
10:05 - 2017/12/05

If alcoholic beverages are intoxicating drinks, they are najis.

Why is Alcohol Forbidden in Islam?

Prohibited drink
18:41 - 2017/07/08

Casting enmity and hatred among people and hindering people from saying the prayers and remembering Almighty Allah (SWT) are good enough reasons for alcohol to be forbidden.

Alcohol harmful effects

Alcohol harmful effects
02:05 - 2017/06/27

It seams, intoxication is the most common cause of alcohol-related problems, leading to injuries and premature deaths.


The philosophy behind the prohibition of consumption of liquor

17:14 - 2015/10/06

If a person happens to be intoxicated at the time of conception, 35 percent of the acute alcoholic effects are passed on to the child and if both – the husband and the wife – were to be intoxicated, 100 percent of the acute effects are transferred to the child. In order that the effects of alcohol on children are better comprehended, we seek to present some statistics here