Unity week in the words of the Supreme Leader

Create: 10/18/2022 - 09:17
دریافت ویدئو

Unity week in the words of the Supreme Leader

Unity week

Dear brothers. Dear sisters. The Islamic world is involved in great difficulties .and the solution to those hardships is Islamic unity.

Unity, synergy, and helping each other overcome religious and intellectual differences. Today arrogance and colonialism try to distance the Islamic world from its unity as much as possible. This is a threat to them. one and a half billion Muslims all these Islamic countries with all these sources. This phenomenal human force. if he is united and moves with unity toward Islamic goals, The powerful can no longer show off their power in the world . America can no longer impose its will on governments and nations. The malignant and malicious Zionist network can no longer hold various governments and powers in its claws of authority. and uses these to its own benefit.



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