
Whom Do We have to Follow Mujtahid or Marji?

Whom do we have to Follow Mujtahid or Marji?
14:29 - 2017/11/29

There are three ways of identifying a qualified mujtahid but knowing only that somone is a marji‘ or hav a book on practical laws of Islam is not the proper conditions for taqlīd of a qualified mujtahid.

Performing Acts without Taqlid

 Following a Mujtahid
09:45 - 2017/10/31

What is the rule If a person performs his acts for some time without taqlid of a Mujtahid?

What is Meant by Being ‘Just’?

 ‘Just’ Mujtahid
13:06 - 2017/01/02

 A ‘just’ mujtahid is a person that he performs all those acts which are obligatory upon him, and refrains from all those things which are forbidden to him.