Performing Acts without Taqlid

09:45 - 2017/10/31

What is the rule If a person performs his acts for some time without taqlid of a Mujtahid?

 Following a Mujtahid

If a person performs his acts for some time without taqlid of a Mujtahid, and later follows a Mujtahid, weather his former actions will be valid or not?

If a person performs his acts for some time without taqlid of a Mujtahid, and later follows a Mujtahid, his former actions will be valid if that Mujtahid declares them to be valid, otherwise they will be treated as void.[1][2]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Newly Asked Questions, Taqlīd, last Question.
2 . Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani , Islamic Laws, Following a mujtahid (Taqlid), Question14.

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