
Selling or Giving Alcoholic Drinks, Pork as a Gift to Non_Muslim

 Selling or Giving Alcoholic Drinks, Pork as a Gift to Non_Muslim
15:00 - 2017/12/23

It is not permissible to sell, or give as a gift,  alcoholic drinks, pork, or other foodstuffs  wich are  ḥarām in Islam.

Are The People of the Book pure or Not?

Are The People of the Book pure or Not? 10:28 - 2017/12/17

Question: Some mujtahids are of the opinion that the People of the Book are najis, while

Drinking Something Served by a Non-Muslim

Drinking _ Served_ Non-Muslim
12:10 - 2017/12/10

There is no objection to drinking served water and tea by a non Muslim If you are not confident that he had touched them with his body.

Working in Factories of a Non-Muslim Country

Working in Factories of a Non-Muslim Country
15:28 - 2017/12/03

There is no objection to work in factories belong to the non-Muslim countries; unless the countries are at war with the Muslims.

Working in Factories of a Non-Muslim Country

Working in Factories of a Non-Muslim Country
13:49 - 2017/12/03

There is no objection to work in factories belong to the non-Muslim countries; unless the countries are at war with the Muslims.

Selling Meat of a Dead Animal to non-Muslims

Selling Meat of a Dead Animal to non-Muslims
12:36 - 2017/12/03

It is permisable to sell meat of a dead animal to non-Muslims if they have beneficial purposes other than food.

Are Jews, the Christians and the Zoroastrians Pure or Not?

People of the Book
13:17 - 2017/11/28

The People of the Book are pure unless they contact with an impure object.

Is it Permissible for a Muslim to take Possession of any non-Muslim?

taking Possession of any non-Muslim
16:02 - 2017/11/21

 It is not permissible for a Muslim to take possession of any non-Muslim person if the infidels attack Islamic lands and a group of them are captured by Muslims.

Is it Permissible for a Muslim to take Possession of any non-Muslim?

 Is it Permissible for a Muslim to take Possession of any non-Muslim?
21:18 - 2017/11/18

 It is not permissible for a Muslim to take possession of any non-Muslim person if the infidels attack Islamic lands and a group of them are captured by Muslims.

Taking Possession of non-Muslim person

 Taking Possession of any Non-Muslim
15:29 - 2017/10/30

It is not permissible to take possession of any non-Muslim person if the infidels attack Islamic lands and a group of them are captured by Muslims. 

How can Muslims Love the Infidels?

How can Muslims Love the Infidels?
22:23 - 2017/07/02

Since not all the infidels deny intentionally the truth, rather, some of them might do it deliber

The Rules of non-Muslims in the Islamic Sharia

The Rules of non-Muslims in Islamic Sharia
11:04 - 2016/04/18

It is going to express The Rules of non-Muslims in Islamic Sharia. 
