How can Muslims Love the Infidels?

22:23 - 2017/07/02
How can Muslims Love the Infidels?

Since not all the infidels deny intentionally the truth, rather, some of them might do it deliberately out of their malice, it is not true to categorize all of them in the same category. It is only the latter group whom Muslims cannot love, but the former group is forgiven.

  1. How can Muslims love the infidels about whom they are certain that the infidels are spiritually wrong as their beliefs are false? To answer this question we should divide the infidels into two groups: 1- The Infidels who do not know the truth (called Mustaza'fin in the Qur'an) 2- The Infidels who know the truth but intentionally deny it. According to the holy Qur'an, the first group will be forgiven by Allah (SWT); because, they are under the oppression having no way to rescue themselves, that is why, Muslims can also love then and try to guide them into the right path. However, the second group who deny the truth out of their sheer malice they cannot be pardoned; because, despite knowing the reality and having chance to rescue and save themselves they insist on their false beliefs expressing their hostilities towards Islam and the truth. It is clear that no one can love them. Considering the mentioned points and for the details refer to the holy Qur'an, chapter An-Nisa, and verse 97-98.

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