Destruction of the People's Mojahedin Organization

Create: 06/24/2023 - 10:51
دریافت ویدئو

Destruction of the People's Mojahedin(MKO ) Organization

The Mojahedin Khalq(MKO ) organization (enemies of the people of Iran) started an armed uprising on 20 - June - 1981, to overthrow the Islamic Republic. Today, 20 - June - 2023, the Islamic Republic is stronger than

before, and now the headquarters of the hypocrites in #Albania by the police of this country was destroyed.
An Iranian proverb says: Do not build a pit for anyone, now that you want to build it, build it for yourself first, then build it for someone else.
(Because whoever creates a conspiracy for others, one day he himself will be involved in that conspiracy)
Long live Iran

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