A Summary of Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults (16)

11:41 - 2023/12/11

- Ahkam: It is a set of rules and guidelines that a Muslim must act within. Like the branches of religion (prayer, fasting, zakat, khums, hajj, jihad, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, Tawalli, Tabarri).

Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults  (Lesson “16”)

Ahkam Explaination:

* In the third and fourth rakat of the prayer, Hamd or Tasbihat should be recited in low voice.

* In Zuhr and Asr prayers, the reading/Qara’at of the first and second rakat should also be read in low voice.

* Men should recite Hamad and Surah aloud in the first and second rakat in the morning, Zuhr and Asr prayers. but it is not necessary for women.

* A person should learn the prayer and recite it correctly. For example, pronounce the Arabic letters in Arabic, so that the meaning of the words does not change. and the person who cannot learn it correctly should pray as best as he can, and it is better to pray in congregation/Jama’at.


In every rak'at after recitation, one should bend down so that the hand reaches the knee. it is necessary to place the hand on the knee carefully, which is called bowing. And s/he should say zikr.[1] Any zikr that is said is enough, but it should not be less than saying "Subhan Allah"[2] three times.

* The body must be calm while performing the zikr of ruku, and if he intentionally recites the zikr before he bows to the extent of the bow and before the body relaxes, his prayer is invalid. and if he raises his head before the end of the zikr, his prayer is invalid too.

* The person praying in Sajdah should place his forehead on the ground or something that grows from the earth. such as wood or tree leaves. But it must not be from eatable and wearable plants.

* Sajdah on precious mineral stones such as gold and silver is wrong and it is better to do Sajdah on the Muhr ( grave soil of Seyyed al-Shahada, Imam Hussain “a.s” ). after that to do the  Sajdah on earth, stones and plants respectively.


[1] For example “Subhan Allah” /سبحان الله

[2] سبحان الله

This Text is provided form the Treatise and Fatwas of Ayatullah Khamenaie (May God save him):



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