Criteria for recognizing true prophets from prophethood claimants - 5

13:00 - 2024/01/02

What is the way to prove the prophethood of a prophet? What are the criteria for recognizing true prophets from false prophets?


Criteria for recognizing true prophets from prophethood claimants - 5

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The content of the call:

The "content of the call" is one of the most important signs of the truthfulness of the prophet's call. If what the claimant of prophethood calls people to what is not divine and in accordance with reason, soon the scholars and scientists of that land will become aware of his lie. And through debate and rejection of his words, they expose his falsehood. In this case, the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) can be used as an example. He was able to prove his prophethood to all the people of that time and the future generations through the Qur'an. It, in addition to its unique content, was also a miracle. Therefore, we can see that the enemies of Islam asked all the eloquent of Arab men for help to bring verses like the Quran. But every time they came to fight the Quran, they were defeated and retreated quickly, which is described in the history.

Is a miracle anything other than this? This call of the Quran is still in our ears. This eternal miracle still calls the world to itself and challenges all the scientific circles of the world. It challenges them that if they claim that, this heavenly book is from a source other than divine revelation, so bring a book like it or a surah like one of its surahs. This challenge is not only in terms of eloquence, the sweetness, attractiveness of expressions and the expressiveness of concepts, but also in terms of content. The sciences that were hidden from the eyes of humans. The laws and regulations that guarantee the happiness and salvation of humanity. The statements are free of any contradictions and scattershots. It has a history free of any superstitions, exaggeration and the like. [1]

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