Conditions Under Which Fasting Is Obligatory And Valid

11:13 - 2015/12/30

Conditions Under Which Fasting Is Obligatory And Valid

Q 727: A young girl has reached the age of shar‘ī puberty. However; she cannot fast in the month of Ramadan due to her weak constitution. She is also unable to perform the qaḍā’ of the missed days of fasting until the next Ramadan. What is the ruling in this situation?

  A: The obligation of fasting or performing the qaḍā’ for the missed fasts is not removed just because of weakness. Rather, the qaḍā’ of the missed days of fasting in Ramadan will remain obligatory for her.

  Q 728: What is the ruling for those girls who have recently reached maturity and find it somewhat difficult to fast? Is nine years the age when girls become mature?

  A: The legal age of maturity for girls start at the completion of nine lunar years, hence it is obligatory for them to fast. It is not permissible to forsake fasting due to some excuse. However, if fasting becomes harmful for them or involves unbearable hardship, it is permissible to break the fast.

  Q 729: I do not know exactly when I reached the age of shar‘ī puberty. Please clarify, from which time is it obligatory for me to perform the qaḍā’ of missed prayers and fasts?

  A: You are only responsible for the qaḍā’ of prayers and fasts you are certain you have missed after the age of shar‘ī puberty.

  Q 730: A nine-year old girl, upon whom it is obligatory to fast, breaks her fast because fasting is very hard for her. Does she have to perform the qaḍā’ of the fast?

  A: Yes, she has to perform the qaḍā’ of the Ramadan fast that she broke.

  Q 731: Someone with a strong excuse doubted — 50% probability — that fasting was obligatory for him, so he did not fast. Later it became clear to him that fasting was obligatory for him at that time. What is the ruling in respect of performing the qaḍā’ and paying kaffārah?

  A: If one breaks a fast in the month of Ramadan, merely due to the possibility that fasting is not obligatory for him, then he must carry out its qaḍā’ and pay the kaffārah as well. However, if one did not fast out of rational fear that fasting would be harmful for him, then it is not necessary for him to pay kaffārah, but he must perform the qaḍā’.

  Q 732: A person performing military service could not fast during the month of Ramadan last year because of frequent traveling and being stationed at the base. As Ramadan approaches this year, he is still serving in the same area and does not think he will be able to fast this year, either. Does he have to pay the kaffārah after leaving the service, in addition to performing the qaḍā’ of those fast?

  A: When someone forgoes fasting in the month of Ramadan because of the excuse of traveling, which extends until the next Ramadan, his only duty is to perform the qaḍā’ and no kaffārah of delay is obligatory for him.

  Q 733: A fasting person is unaware that he is junub. In the afternoon, he notices and performs ghusl by immersion. Does this invalidate his fast? And if he realizes what he has done only after performing the ghusl, does he have to perform the qaḍā’ of the fast?

  A: If one performs ghusl by immersion out of forgetfulness (of the fact that he is fasting) or unintentionally, then both his fast and ghusl are valid; thus, he does not have to perform the qaḍā’ of the fast.

  Q 734: A person who is fasting had planned to reach his place of residence before noon adhān. But, along the way he came across an accident that delayed him, hence he did not reach his residency in time. Is his fast valid? Does he have to pay kaffārah or will performing the qaḍā’ be sufficient?

  A: His fast is invalid while traveling and it is only obligatory for him to perform the qaḍā’ (of fasting) for the day in which he did not reach his place of residency, and he does not have to pay kaffārah.

  Q 735: A passenger or a crewmember aboard an airplane flyingat a high altitude and bound for a distant city — a 2 1/2 to 3 hour journey — has to drink water every 20 minutes to maintain his equilibrium. Does he/she have to pay kaffārah in addition to performing the qaḍā’?

  A: If fasting is harmful for them, one can break the fast to drink water. He will have to perform its qaḍā’, but kaffārah will not be obligatory for him in this case.

  Q 736: If a woman’s periods begin two hours or more before the maghrib prayers in the month of Ramadan, will her fast be null and void for that day?

  A: Her fast is void.

  Q 737: What rule applies to someone who immerses himself in water wearing waterproof clothing such as a diving suit which does not allow the body to become wet?

  A: If the clothing has close contact with his head, it is problematic to say his fast is valid. Hence, as an obligatory caution he should perform its qaḍā’.

  Q 738: Is it permitted for a person to travel intentionally during the month of Ramadan in order to break the fast and to evade fasting?

  A: There is no problem in doing that. Therefore, when traveling — even in order to evade the duty of fasting — he must break the fast.

  Q 739: A person, responsible for performing an obligatory fast, decided to fulfill his duty but could not because ofunforeseen circumstances. For example, he prepared to travel after sunrise — he traveled, but failed to return home before noon. He had not done anything that invalidates the fast, except that the time for making the intention of an obligatory fast has elapsed; and that day is one in which fasting is mustaḥabb. Is it valid if he makes the intention to perform a mustaḥabb fast?

  A: When one is responsible for the qaḍā’ of Ramadan fast, it is invalid to make intentions to perform a mustaḥabb fast, even if the time for making intention form performing an obligatory fast has passed.

  Q 740: I am addicted to smoking. No matter how much I try not to be irritable in the blessed month of Ramadan, I can notn abstain from conduct that disrupts the peace of my family and puts me into a nervous state. What is my duty in this situation?

  A: It is obligatory for you to fast in the month of Ramadan and it is not permissible for you to smoke while fasting. Also, you should not treat others harshly without justification.