Kaffarah [Penalty] of the Fast And Its Amount

11:39 - 2015/12/30

Q 797: Is it sufficient to give a needy person the money to buy one mudd (750 grams) of food instead of giving them the food itself?

A: If you are sure that the needy person who receives the money will buy the food on your behalf and then take it as kaffārah, there is no problem in it.

Q 798: A person was appointed attorney to feed a group of needy persons. Can he take his wages for the work and cooking he does from the kaffārah money with which he was entrusted?

A: He can demand the wages for his work and for the cooking. But he cannot take it from the kaffārah.

Q 799: A woman could not fast due to pregnancy and the approaching delivery. She knew that after delivery she must, before the next Ramadan, perform qaḍā’ for the days she did not fast. However, she did not fast after delivery, intentionally or otherwise, for several years. Does she have to pay only the kaffārah for that year or for all the years she delayed the fasting?

A: Although performing the qaḍā’ fasts has been delayed for several years, it is obligatory to pay only one fidyah i.e. one mudd (750 grams) of food for each day. Fidyah is required only if the qaḍā’ is delayed until the next Ramadan due to negligence and without any shar‘ī excuse. If one has an excuse for the delay preventing them from performing valid fasts, no fidyah is required.

Q 800: A women could not fast due to illness. She could not perform the qaḍā’ before the next Ramadan either. Does she or her husband have to pay kaffārah?

A: If she did not fast nor performed its qaḍā’ before next Ramadan, both due to illness, she should pay fidyah, i.e. one mudd (750 grams) of food for each day and nothing rests with her husband.

Q 801: A person was liable to perform the qaḍā’ of ten Ramadan fasts and he started them on the 20th of Sha‘bān. Can he break the fast intentionally before or after the noon? And, if he does, what is the kaffārah for breaking it before or after the noon?

A: In this case, it is not permissible for him to break his fast intentionally. However, if he does break his fast intentionally before noon, he does not have to pay any kaffārah. But if he breaks it intentionally in the afternoon, his kaffārah is to feed ten needy persons. If he cannot afford to do so, he shall fast for three days.

Q 802: A woman was pregnant during two consecutive Ramadans and could not fast during those two years. Now that she is able to fast, what is her duty? Does she only have to perform the qaḍā’ for the two months, or does she have to carry out the two foldkaffārah as well? What is the rule concerning her delaying the fasting?

A: If she did not fast during the month of Ramadan due to a shar‘ī excuse, she is only liable for their qaḍā’. However, if she did not fast because she feared it might harm the fetus or the baby, she has to give fidyah, i.e. one mudd (750 grams) of food for each day, in addition to making their qaḍā’. And if she delayed the qaḍā’ beyond the following Ramadan without a shar‘ī excuse, another fidyah is obligatory for her as well, i.e. she should give one mudd [750 grams] of food to a poor person for each day.

Q 803: Someone has to perform qaḍā’ and give kaffārah, must he observe their sequence?

A: It is not obligatory.