The command of Abu Bakr and allegiance to him

12:30 - 2016/03/01


Then Abu Bakr arose and said, “Here are Umar and Abu Ubaydah, you may pledge allegiance at the hand of the one whom you desire”. Umar & Abu Ubaydah said, “By Allah ! We shall not precede you in taking the affairs of the Caliphate in our hands. You are the best of the Emigrants, while you were the Vicegerent of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in offering the Prayers, which is the best command of Religion. Now extend your hand so that we may pledge the allegiance at your hands”. Abu Bakr extended his hand so that Umar & Abu Ubaydah may pledge allegiance to him, Basheer bin Sa’ad preceded them and pledged allegiance at his hands.[90]Seeing this Hubab bin Manzar Ansari called out, “O Basheer ! May dust be upon your head ! You have acted stingy in the matter that your cousin (Sa’ad bin Ubadah) may become the commander”.
Then Usayd bin Khuzayr, the chief of the clan of Aws, called out to his companions saying, “By Allah ! If you do not pledge the allegiance to Abu Bakr, the people of the clan of Khazraj shall always pride upon you (for this)”. The companions of Usayd arose and pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr, thus Sa’ad bin Ubadah was badly defeated while the people of the clan of Khazraj did not side with him. At that moment people came from all sides and pledged allegiance to


[90] One of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah Mawardi writes in his Ehkamal Sultaniyah that only five people pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr at Saqifah, viz. Umar bin al Khattab, Abu Ubaydah Jarrah, Usayd bin Khuzayr, Basheer bin Sa'ad and Salim.

Abu Bakr, and it was near that Sa’ad bin Ubadah, who was sick and sitting on his bed, would be crushed due to the crowd, he called out, “You will kill me”. Umar said, “Kill Sa’ad, may Allah kill him”.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan