The incident of forcing the allegiance from Imam Ali (a.s.) in the words of the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah Allegiance in the eyes of Ibn Qutaibah Daynoori

10:46 - 2016/03/06

Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Muslim bin Qutaibah Daynoori, better known as Ibn Qutaibah Daynoori, a renowned Scholar of the Ahlus Sunnah, who lived during the time of the “Lesser Occultation” (of Imam Mahdi) and died in 322 A.H. He writes in his book Al Imamah was Siyasah regarding Imam Ali (a.s.)’s refusal to swear allegiance to Abu Bakr that, then Ali (May Allah have Mercy upon his face) was brought to Abu Bakr while he was calling, “I am the slave of Allah (s.w.t.) and the brother of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.)”. A man told him to swear allegiance at the hands of Abu Bakr, to which he replied, “I am more worthy of the caliphate than you, I shall not swear allegiance at your hands, when you are more entitled to swear allegiance at my hand, while you have taken the position in your hands. You snatched it away from the Ansar on grounds that you are his relatives and thus in reality you usurped our, the Ahlulbait (a.s.) of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.)'s rights. Did you not put forward this claim in front of the Ansar that you were more entitled to succeed Muhammad (s.a.w.s.) being his close relatives ? Thus the Ansar handed over the authority to you and surrendered. Now I put forward the same claim as you put to the Ansar (regarding relation with the Prophet). I was nearer to the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) in his lifetime as also now after his death. Then deal justly with us if you possess faith, or else (it is that) you intentionally seek refuge in oppression”. Umar replied, “We shall not release you until you swear allegiance to Abu Bakr”. Hearing this, Imam Ali(a.s.) said, “Milk thou and keep half for you, and strive for him (Abu Bakr) today, for tomorrow he shall return it (the Caliphate) to you”.[105] Then he (a.s.) continued, “O Umar ! By Allah ! I shall not yield to your words and swear allegiance to him”. Abu Bakr replied, “If you do not swear the allegiance, I shall not force you”.
Then Abu Ubaydah Jarrah said, “O cousin ! You are still young while these two are seniors in the community. And you do not have the experience & intelligence similar to them. In my opinion Abu Bakr has more potentials than you to take the reins of Caliphate in his hand, while he possesses more tolerance and is better informed than you.[106]


[105]How true did Imam Ali (a.s.) predict, he most prudently made public the hidden desire of Umar. Why did he strive so ardently to assist Abu Bakr in establishing his caliphate, the reason being that deep  inside in his heart lay hidden the desire of gaining the caliphate one day for himself. And this came to light when Abu Bakr was on his death bed, he called for Usman bin Affan and told him to write an appointment letter saying, "In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is the order of Abdullah (Abu Bakr) bin Abi Quhafah to the Muslims. Whereas … ", saying this he fell unconscious. Usman added the words, "I appoint Umar bin Khattab as my successor among you". When Abu Bakr regained consciousness, he told Usman to read the letter to him. Usman read it and Abu Bakr said, "Allaho Akbar ! I think you were afraid that people would disagree amongst themselves if I died in that state". Usman replied in the affirmative. (Muhammad bin Jarir al Tabari, “Tareekh al Umam wal Muluk”). Usman was amply sure that Abu Bakr intended mentioning the name of Umar, thus he noted it down himself. It was thus a pre-organized plan between them to pass the Caliphate subsequently to each other. As can be noted that later Umar too nominated an electoral committee with such slyness that would result in the appointment of none other than his own candidate Usman, for the caliphate.

[106]Such a weird remark by Abu Ubaydah Jarrah, considered one of the ‘honourable companions' of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), is nothing but the outcome of his prejudice and animosity against Imam Ali (a.s.). Did'nt he hear numerous traditions of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) regarding the excellences and knowledge of Imam Ali (a.s.) and the testimony of several companions regarding his unparalleled wisdom ? Numerous traditions are quoted in the Non-Shi'ah books that prove this point, to quote a few here. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) declared, "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate. Anyone who wants to enter the city can do so only by passing through the gate". (Imam Tirmizi, “Jame”; Jalaluddin Suyuti, ”Jame'Sagheer”; Hakim Naishapuri, “Mustadrak”, Vol 3; Ibn Abd Birr,“Isti'ab”, Vol 2; Khatib al Tabrizi, “Mishkat al Masabih”, Vol 8; Al Manawi, “Kunuzul Haqaeq”; Muttaqi Hindi, “Kanzal Ummal”; Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2). Abdullah bin Abbas says, "Of ten parts of knowledge Ali was given nine, and the remaining one is shared by you all. By Allah ! In the tenth part too Ali has his share". (Ibn Abd Birr, “Isti'ab” Vol 2; Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2; Ibn Aseer, “Asadu Ghabah”, Vol 4; Shah Waliyullah Muhaddis Dehlawi, “Izalatul Khifa”). Ibn Hani narrates that I asked A'eshah whether the ‘Masah alal Khuffayn' was forbidden or not. At this she replied, "Go to Ali, he is more learned than me". (Imam Muslim, “Saheeh” Vol 1; Ibn Majah, “Sunan”; Imam Nisai, “Al Khasaes”; Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, “Musnad”, Vol 1). Umar bin Khattab said, "Amongst us, the best judge is Ali". (Imam Bukhari, “Saheeh” Chap 18 & 20; Ibn Majah, “Sunan”; Al Manawi, “Kunuzul Haqaeq; Ibn Hanbal, “Musnad”, Vol 5; Khatib al Tabrizi, “Mishkat”, Vol 8; Muttaqi Hindi, “Kanzal Ummal”). Abu Sa'eed Khudri narrates that he heard Umar bin Khattab saying when he asked Ali about some problem, "I seek refuge ofAllah from living in the midst of people among whom there is no Ali". (Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2). Also Umar bin Khattab said, "If Ali was not there, Umar would have perished". (Ahmad bin Hanbal, “Fazaelus Sahabah”, Vol 2 Pg 647; Ibn Abd Birr, “Al Isti’ab”, Vol 3 Pg 39; Khawarizmi, “Manaqib”, Pg 48; Ibn Sa’ad, “Tabaqat al Kubra”, Vol 2 Pg 338; Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2 Pg 194; Jalaluddin Suyuti, “Tarikhul Khulafa”, Pg 171; etc.)

Hand over the caliphate to Abu Bakr, then if you remain alive and have a long life, you shall be rightfully entitled to the caliphate with
numerous traditions of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) regarding the excellences and knowledge of Imam Ali (a.s.) and the testimony ofseveral companions regarding his unparalleled wisdom ? Numerous traditions are quoted in the Non-Shi'ah books that prove this point, to quote a few here. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) declared, "I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate. Anyone who wants to enter the city can do so only by passing through the gate". (Imam Tirmizi, “Jame”; Jalaluddin Suyuti, ”Jame' Sagheer”; Hakim Naishapuri, “Mustadrak”, Vol 3; Ibn Abd Birr, “Isti'ab”, Vol 2; Khatib al Tabrizi, “Mishkat al Masabih”, Vol 8; Al Manawi, “Kunuzul Haqaeq”; Muttaqi Hindi, “Kanzal Ummal”; Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2). Abdullah bin Abbas says, "Of ten parts of knowledge Ali was given nine, and the remaining one is shared by you all. By Allah ! In the tenth part too Ali has his share". (Ibn Abd Birr, “Isti'ab” Vol 2; Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2; Ibn Aseer, “Asadul Ghabah”, Vol 4; Shah Waliyullah Muhaddis Dehlawi, “Izalatul Khifa”). Ibn Hani narrates that I asked A'eshah whether the ‘Masah alal Khuffayn' was forbidden or not. At this she replied, "Go to Ali, he is more learned than me". (Imam Muslim, “Saheeh” Vol 1; Ibn Majah, “Sunan”; Imam Nisai, “Al Khasaes”; Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, “Musnad”, Vol 1). Umar bin Khattab said, "Amongst us, the best judge is Ali". (Imam Bukhari, “Saheeh” Chap 18 & 20; Ibn Majah, “Sunan”; Al Manawi, “Kunuzul Haqaeq; Ibn Hanbal, “Musnad”, Vol 5; Khatib al Tabrizi, “Mishkat”, Vol 8; Muttaqi Hindi, “Kanzal Ummal”). Abu Sa'eed Khudri narrates that he heard Umar bin Khattab saying when he asked Ali about some problem, "I seek refuge of Allah from living in the midst of people among whom there is no Ali". (Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2). Also Umar bin Khattab said, "If Ali was not there, Umar would have perished". (Ahmad bin Hanbal, “Fazaelus Sahabah”, Vol 2 Pg 647; Ibn Abd Birr, “Al Isti’ab”, Vol 3 Pg 39; Khawarizmi, “Manaqib”, Pg 48; Ibn Sa’ad, “Tabaqat al Kubra”, Vol 2 Pg 338; Muhibuddin Tabari, “Riyazun Nazarah”, Vol 2 Pg 194; Jalaluddin Suyuti, “Tarikhul Khulafa”, Pg 171; etc.)
regards to excellence, religiosity, knowledge, intelligence, seniority, relationship & kindship that you possess”. Imam Ali (a.s.) replied, “Allah ! Allah ! O group of Emigrants ! Do not bring out the ‘Authority of Prophet (s.a.w.s.)’ upon among the Arabs from the interior of his house into the interior and bottom of your houses. And defend the status of his Ahlulbait (a.s.) among the people and their rights. O Emigrants ! By Allah ! We are most entitled among all men to take the Authority into our hands, for we are the Ahlulbait of the Prophet (s.a.w.s.), and are more entitled for the caliphate than you”.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan