The Testimony of Fatemah (a.s.) to Ali (a.s.)

11:18 - 2016/03/10


It is related in Rawzatul Wa'ezeen that Fatemah (s.a.) lay on her bed in illness for forty days and thereafter passed away. When she realized that her end was near, she called for Umm Ayman, Asma bint Umays and Amirul Mo’meneen (a.s.). They came at the side of her bed and she (s.a.) told Ali (a.s.), "O cousin ! News of death has reached me and I perceive that I shall meet my father (s.a.w.s.) soon. I shall will to you whatever is in my heart". Ali(a.s.) said, "O daughter of the Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) ! You may will whatever you desire", saying this he sat near her bedand said to those who were present in the house, "You may go out". Then Fatemah (s.a.) said, "O cousin ! All throughout my life with you, you have never heard falsehood or (witnessed) betrayal from me, nor have I ever disobeyed you". Ali (a.s.) replied, "No, never. You are more informed, virtuous  and honourable, while your fear of Allah (s.w.t.) is more than anyone else, that I should reproach you for disobedience. Your separation is very severe upon me but what can one do for there is no escape from death. By Allah ! You have renewed the sorrow of the (separation of) Prophet of Allah (s.a.w.s.) and your parting and bereavement is large and hard upon me. Verily we are Allah’s and verily unto Him shall we return, upon the calamity that is tragic and heart-rending. This is an adversity that has no comfort and is such serious that there is no supplant for it". Then they wept together for sometime, Ali (a.s.) pressed the head of Fatemah (s.a.) to his chest and said, "You may will whatever you desire, certainly you will find me such that I shall fulfil your desire with goodness and endear your behest upon that of mine". Fatemah (s.a.) said, "O cousin ! May Allah (s.w.t.) reward you fairly ! Marry Amamah, my niece and daughter of Zainab. Create for me a beir. Then whosoever has oppressed me and usurped my rights should not stand at my corpse nor perform Prayers upon me, nor should their followers be present there.[243]And bury me at night when the eyes are absorbed in sleep".


[243]These words of Sayyedah Fatemah (s.a.) should be pondered upon. She willed to Imam Ali (a.s.) that those who oppressed her should not say the Prayers upon her corpse or even stand near it, as alsotheir followers and adherents. It should be noted that although their followers did not hurt her directly, they certainly hurt her by following & supporting them with their tongues, hearts, or their silence. Thus it can be said that the followers of the oppressers stand in the same status as the oppressors themselves, are equal participants in the crime, and on the day of Qiyamah shall be treated as oppressors themselves. Refer the Qur’anicVerse, “Remember the day (of Judgement) when We will summon every people with their Imam (Leader)”. (Surah Bani Israel :71).  Thus we recite in the Ziyarat al Ashurah, “OAllah ! Curse the foremost tyrant who oppressed the rights ofMuhammad (s.a.w.s.) and the Progeny of Muhammad (a.s.), and the last one who followed him on that”.

It is quoted in Misbahul Anwar from Imam Ja'far as Sadiq (a.s.), who relates from his fathers (father and grandfathers) that when Fatemah (s.a.)'s end drew near, she willed to Amirul Mo’meneen Ali (a.s.) saying, "When I pass away, you yourself give me the dead body bath, shroud me, pray upon me and bury me. Build my grave and sprinkle earth upon it, then sit at the head of my grave opposite my face and recite the Qur'an abundantly and supplicate. For it is that moment when the dead person requires affection of the alive ones, and I entrust you to Allah (s.w.t.) and request you to deal with fairness towards my children". Then she pressed her daughter Umm Kulsum (a.s.) to her heart and said, "And when this daughter of mine reaches maturity, the household articles are for her, and may Allah (s.w.t.) be her Support".
It is also related that when the end of Sayyedah (s.a.) approached she wept for sometime. Amirul Mo’meneen Ali (a.s.) asked, "Why do you weep"? She (s.a.) replied, "I weep upon the sufferings and persecutions that shall befall you after me". Imam Ali (a.s.) said, "Do not weep. For by Allah (s.w.t.), these sufferings are nothing for me in the way of Allah (s.w.t.)".
It is also related that Fatemah (s.a.) told Ali (a.s.), "And when I pass away from this world, do not inform anyone except Umm Salma, Umm Ayman and Fizzah. And among men my two sons, Abbas (bin Abdul Muttalib), Salman, Miqdad, Abu Zarr and Huzayfah, you may inform them. And I make it lawful for you (only) to see me after my death, then you may bathe me with the help of the above mentioned women and bury me at night and do not inform anyone so that they may not come to my grave".
and the Progeny of Muhammad (a.s.), and the last one who followed him on that”.

House of Sorrows Translation of Baytul Ahzan