World Humanitarian Day

18:32 - 2017/07/05

The main message of Islam is to worship and fear God, without making any differences between the different groups of people, and Islam also introduces the Prophet (P) and his household as examples of peace and mercy to all mankind; for that reason, Islam is a humanitarian religion.

World Humanitarian Day

Is Islam a humanitarian religion? It is good enough to know that the prophet Muhammad (S) has been sent as peace and mercy to all people as verse 107 of surah Al-Anbya points to it: "And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds." Hence, Islam is a religion that respects all races, colors and genders, and emphasizes that the noblest of humankind is the one who is the most pious, as the following verse of the holy Qur'an states: "O mankind! Indeed We created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another. Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God wary among you. Indeed Allah is all-knowing, all-aware." (49/13) Along with many verses, biography and conduct of the prophet's household shows clearly that Islam is a humanitarian religion, for example Imam Ali (A) has wrote to Malik Ashtar: "Habituate your heart to mercy for the subjects and to affection and kindness for them. Do not stand over them like greedy beasts who feel it is enough to devour them, since they are of two kinds, either your brother in religion or one like you in creation." (Nahjul Balagha, Letter53) [1]
[1] "«و اشعر قَلبکَ الرّحمةَ للرّعیّة، و المحبة لَهم، و اللُطف بهم، ولا تَکوننَّ عَلیهم سَبُعاً ضاریاً تَغتنمُ اَکلهُم، فانّهم صِنفانِ: اِمّا اخٌ لکَ فی الدّینِ، او نَظیرٌ لک فی الخَلقِ

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