Imam Ali’s governance method

14:21 - 2016/11/21

Imam Ali (A) has described the events after the Prophet (pbuh) as following of Pharaoh’s method.


If the method of the caliphs was wrong why didn’t  Imam Ali (A) correct it during his caliphate?

Commander of the Faithful, Ali ibn abi Talib (A) has described the events after the Prophet (pbuh) as following of Pharaoh’s method:
“When Allah took the Prophet (h) (to himself) a group of men went back on their tracks. The ways (of misguidance) ruined them and they placed trust in deceitful intriguers, showed consideration to other than kinsmen, abandoned the kin whom they had been ordered to love and shifted the building from its strong foundation and built it in other than its (proper) place. They are the source of every shortcoming and the door of gropes in the dark. They were moving to and fro in amazement and lay intoxicated in the way of the people of the Pharaohs. They were either bent on this world and taking support on it or away from the fait and removed from it.” [1]

So surely Imam Ali (A) has known their method wrong and wanted to correct it but did it happen or not, This is another issue.

[1] Nahjul-Balagha, sermon 148.


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