Accentuating the Commonalities Defuses the Conflicts

21:44 - 2017/07/02
Accentuating the commonalities is the way to defuse the conflicts

When we, as Muslims, have a lot in common with each other, It is not reasonable to focus on minor differences increasing the denominational tensions and conflicts! It is better to defuse it highlighting and accentuating the commonalities between the different groups of Muslims.

Todays some of the Muslims have come into conflict with one another while what we, as Muslims, have in common, is much more as compared to the differences. We all believe in the same God, the same Prophet and the same Qur’an. We all believe in the day of resurrection and divine rewards as well as punishments. We all say our prayers towards the same direction. We all fast during the month of Ramadan. We all perform pilgrimage to the same place at the same time. We all believe in giving alms, enjoining good and forbidding evil. Add to this thousands religious commonalities in beliefs and laws. So why some of us should have come into conflict with some others who have the most in common with us?!

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