Zainab's sermon against the people of Kufa

22:09 - 2022/06/18
Zainab's sermon against the people of Kufa

Zainab's sermon against the people of Kufa

When the caravan of prisoners entered Kufa after the tragic event of Ashura, Zainab (AS) preached a sermon. she sermonized against them in the presence of the people of Kufa. In this sermon, Zainab (AS) reprimanded the people of Kufa for their fault in the Ashura incident and for failing to help Imam Hussain (AS) and spoke of their great sin.

Zainab's sermon against people of Kufa

she said:

Praise be to God and peace be upon my father Muhammad and his pure and virtuous family.

But then: O people of Kufa, O cunning and treacherous people! are you crying Curse on you, let not your tears dry up and let your moans not rest. As your work is like that woman who breaks her thread one by one after finding it strong, you have also made your oaths among yourselves a means of deception and fraud.

Nothing else is found among you except insolence and scandal, chests full of malice, duplicity and flattery, like the flattery of maidservants, and humiliation and humiliation in front of enemies. You are like a plant rooted in animal excrement or like a buried corpse whose grave is decorated with silver. What a bad store you have sent for the hereafter; Baggage that is God's anger and wrath and you will be in eternal torment. are you crying Are you whining? Sure, by God you must cry, so cry a lot and laugh less. Because you have polluted your lap with the shame of a crime that you cannot wash off from your lap forever.

How can all you get rid of the shame of killing the youth of heaven, the son of the Messenger of God (PBUH), the seal of the prophets, the mine of mission? The one who was the refuge of your believers, the Cryer in your calamities, the burning torch of your argument on truth and truth, and all your helper during famine and drought. What a heavy and bad burden all you have placed on your shoulders, so may God's mercy be far away from all you, that your efforts have been in vain, your hands have been cut off and all you have lost all your business, all of you have caught yourself in the anger of God, and thus humiliation and helplessness are upon all you. It has become necessary.

Woe to you people of Kufa! Do you know what kind of liver you have torn from the Messenger of God? What women and girls of his family with chastity and dignity have you dragged to the street and market?! What kind of blood have you spilled on the ground?! And what honor have you broken from him?! You committed this heinous crime openly and openly; The crime that started other crimes in history was black, dark, and irreparable, filling the entire surface of the earth and the vastness of the sky.

Are you surprised that the sky rained blood? While the punishment of the hereafter is much more severe and humiliating than this, and no one will come to your aid on that day. Therefore, the deadlines that God Almighty gives you should not make you happy, because God is not in a hurry to punish His servants, because He is not afraid of blood being trampled and losing the time of revenge, and indeed, your God is always lurking.


1. Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 45, p. 108.

2. Seyyed Ibn Tavus, Alluhouf, p. 146.

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