Spare tire

11:17 - 2022/08/18

sometimes even a small sin can stop a person from moving and make its owner in irreparable danger in the desert. Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) says:

Avoid the sins that are considered small Because the same sins are also condemned by God.

Spare tire

The spare tire is needed for a long trip


Spare tire 

A good driver will take all necessary equipment and spare parts when leaving for long trips. He knows that in the desert, because of a small piece, he may be delayed for hours and suffer in the heat or cold of the road.

One of these essential accessories is the presence of a spare wheel. If the car's spare wheel is punctured, driving with this car is considered a form of lack of wisdom and irrational behavior.

Now suppose the driver knows that the car's wheel has a tiny hole. A hole that, although the air exits slowly, but nevertheless, isn't it irrational to move in such a situation?

Just as a good driver does not neglect even the small holes in the car tires and their lack of air, a wise person should never neglect small sins under the pretext that they are small and should not pay attention to them on the path of serving God Almighty. Because sometimes even a small sin can stop a person from moving and make its owner in irreparable damage in the desert.

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) says:

Avoid the sins that are considered small Because the same sins are also condemned by God.[1]


[1] - (Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 270)

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