Enmity with God at death

13:53 - 2022/08/18

Don't attach to this world so much that you die with the enmity of God. Pious people do not depend on the world.

Enmity with God at death

Enmity with God at death

Enmity with God

Imam Khomeini (RA) narrated from his teacher of ethics and mysticism, the late Shah Abadi, that he advised us many times that your belonging to the world should not be so much that the moment of death, when God takes everything from you, the moment you die with the animosity of God.

Now, if someone takes something from us by force, our car, our position, our table, how much will we be enemies with him? The moment we die, they take everything away from us. who takes? God

He used to say:

Don't attach to this world so much that you die with the enmity of God. Pious people do not depend on the world.


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