Position of women in Islam

10:23 - 2022/08/23

just having a daughter is like the fact that God Almighty has favored their parents and has considered their existence like prayer, fasting, and other actions which have rewards but in the case of the male children, no such favor has been given to them.

Position of women in Islam

 The Position of women in Islam

Position of women in Islam

The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) says:

Daughters are considered good deeds [and a good thing] and sons are blessings; Allah Almighty rewards their parents for the good deeds [of girls], but He asks them to answer for the blessings [of boys].[1]

That is, just having a daughter is like the fact that God Almighty has favored their parents and has considered their existence like prayer, fasting, and other actions which have rewards but He has not favored them in the case of male children.

pay close attention; Can we believe that such a religion has ignored women's rights and violated their rights?! Definitely never!

In another speech, the Prophet said:

" [Hazrat Jibreel (peace be upon him)] constantly ordered me regarding women in such a way that I thought that their divorce is never permissible except in case of an ugly and obvious act.[2]"

The expression "always ordered" itself indicates the greatness of women's position in the eyes of his excellence, otherwise, what other reason is there to order so much about women?



[1] - Al-Kafi, vol. 6, p. 6. قال رسول الله (ص): البَناتُ حَسَناتُ وَ البَنُونَ نِعمَةُ فَاِنَّما یُثابُ عَلَی الحَسَناتِ وَ یُساَلُ عَنِ النِّعمَةِ

[2] - Al-Wasal al-Shia, vol. 2, p. 7. قال رسول الله (ص): ما زالَ یُوصینی بِالمَراةِ حَتَّی ظَنَنتُ انَّهُ لا یَنبَغِی طَلاقُها

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