Spare parts

10:15 - 2022/09/11

No matter how much a person worships and acts righteously, he/she must rely on God's grace, otherwise, this worship causes pride and diseases like those that destroy a person and distance him from the closeness of God.

Spare parts

Spare parts

Spare parts: "Hope in God" is like having spare parts and repair tools for someone who wants to go on a long journey.

No matter how much a person trusts his/her car, not having these tools with (him/her) is careless and unwise.

It is possible that this vehicle, with all the confidence, will find a technical defect and leave the owner in the middle of the desert in which no access in somewhere.

Hope in God's grace also has the same rule. No matter how much a person worships and acts righteously, he/she must rely on God's grace, otherwise, this worship causes pride and diseases like those that destroy a person and distance him from the closeness of God.

Spare parts

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