
11:48 - 2022/09/11

A person said to the Messenger of God (PBUH) that I want God to cover my faults. The Prophet said: "Cover the faults of your brothers so that God will cover your faults."



Safeguard: One of the most important attributes of God, without which all His servants would be tormented, embarrassed, and shamed, is the attribute of God ignoring, which covers the faults of His servants.

What should we do for God to cover our ugliness? A person said to the Messenger of God (PBUH) that I want God to cover my faults. The Prophet said:

Cover the faults of your brothers so that God will cover your faults.[1]

Imam Sadiq (A.S) said:

Indeed, God - blessed and exalted - has placed forty shelters for his believing servant. When he turns to sin, one of those shelters is taken away from him; But when he scandalizes his believing brother, all those shelters are removed from him and he remains without cover.So, he disgraces him in the heavens in the language of angels and in the earth in the language of people.



[1] - Kanz al-Ummal. H 44154

[2] - Majlesi, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 73, p. 361

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