Ayatollah Raisi, the soldier of Islamic civilization against the materialistic civilization of the West - 1

16:41 - 2024/05/21

Ayatollah Raeesi continued the path of those divine men who kept the flag of Islam high by serving Islam and Muslims honestly...

 Ayatollah Raisi

Ayatollah Raisi, the soldier of Islam

In a world where humanism was revived by the western bourgeoisie and the tools of empirical knowledge were used to advance it. The new concept and form of atheism was born in the West in the form and the title of secularism, which means worldliness, materialism and individualism.

The absurd philosophy of secularism taught people to seek individualism in sexual pleasures. They should seek to satisfy their sensual desires and separate themselves from the family and society. An introduction to cutting off the relationship with spirituality and the Almighty God. As a result of such an approach, the family was disintegrated. Morality gave way to vulgarity. Spirituality was forgotten by carnal thoughts. As a result of such intellectual principles of the society, sexual abnormalities were placed in the place of values. Man imagined himself in front of the Almighty God and human civilizations were formed based on the secular philosophy, based on despiritualization and standing against the will of the Almighty God. After that, the discourse of liberal democracy was formed in the meaning of unlimited freedom and permeated the fabric of the political structure of the developed Western countries  as well as in their colonies in Asia and Africa.

The dependent countries of the third world, which mostly consisted of Middle East, Asian countries, all of thier cultural, economic and political areas were imitated by the ideas of Western civilization. Iran as the gendarme of the region in the 60s and 70s, at the height of secularist thinking, implemented imperialist imitation discourse in the countries.

Material values, which are aimed at individual profit and benefit, replaced high human values. Women took off the clothes of chastity and men freed themselves from the bondage of zeal and courage. Modern families were formed from such men and women, and the anonymous children were born. Children who did not feel any belonging to the religion, the country and the family. [1]

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[1] Edited and translated:  https://btid.org/fa/news/299363

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