solving problems

09:58 - 2022/12/01


solving problems

solving problems

solving problems: Yesterday, Mr. Hatami went to Mr. Abdullahi and told him: "I need one million tomans. Can you lend me this amount? I promise to pay you back on the first of next month."

Mr. Abdullahi said: "I don't have it myself, but tomorrow I will go to one of my bazaars friends and borrow one million tomans from him and give it to you." Mr. Abdullahi fulfilled his promise. He went and took one million tomans and gave it to Mr. Hatami.

 lucky Mr. Abdullahi! And all those who help others. Any servant who seeks to help others, God will also help him and will place two of us (angels) on the left and right of that servant to pray for him. Those two angels ask God to forgive the sins of that servant and meet him his wishes and needs.

solving problems

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2 + 4 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.