Discovering hijab

12:36 - 2023/05/15

Reza Khan, who came to office with the plan of 1921 February 22 coup and with the support of the British, tried to de-Islamize and replace liberal values in the society, including the discovery of hijab. The souvenir of his 40-day trip to Turkey and his meeting with Kamal Atatuk was the discovery of the hijab.

Discovering hijab

Discovering hijab

The phenomenon of discovering hijab first started in the court of Naser al-Din Shah, following his European travels and his observations of European women's clothing, and then, in the form of modernism, it penetrated into intellectual circles and the poems of poets and the press.

Of course, due to the resistance of the masses of people, this phenomenon did not grow much except in the court and private circles of the king. Reza Khan, who came to office with the plan of 1921 February 22 coup and with the support of the British, tried to de-Islamize and replace liberal values in the society, including the discovery of hijab.

Reza Khan, who came to office with the plan of 1921 February 22 coup and with the support of the British, tried to de-Islamize and replace liberal values in the society, including the discovery of hijab. The souvenir of his 40-day trip to Turkey and his meeting with Kamal Atatuk was the discovery of the hijab.

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At that time, which the press of the country, almost all of them, were under the strict control of the Police Censorship Department, and their managers were affiliated with Freemasonry and Reza Khan's government or lovers of western culture.

By publishing articles and news about the discovery of hijab and presenting photos of women without hejab and sometimes naked, they prepared the fields of non-hejab with complete seriousness.

And in a series of articles regularly published in newspapers, women's Niqab and hijab were severely criticized.

Forced civilization

The implementation of the hijab removal policy began with coercion and violence on government employees and officials.

High-ranking officials were threatened with dismissal, unless they took their wives to public gatherings without hijab.

Under the pretext of civilization

On December 11, 2014, Reza Shah said to Mahmoud Jam, who had replaced him after Foroughi's resignation from the position of Prime Minister:

"How it’s possible to destroy these fans of hijab?” .For almost two years, this topic has been bothering me. Especially since I went to Turkey and saw their women, I have become disgusted with the woman wearing hijab. At all, the Chador is the enemiy of the people's progress and development..." The minister said: “If His Highness Homayuni personally steps forward, the people will also follow. It has been said since ancient times: People are subject to the beliefs of kings”

After hearing his words, the king pondered for a few moments and while it seemed that an arrangement had already been made in this regard, he replied: Very well! Others do not take action, so I am, as the old man, ready to step forward and be an example!




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