A Gift whose Khums is Not Paid

15:18 - 2017/12/23

If a person gives you a gift, as long as the receiver is not certain whether the money given to him is subject to khums, he is not required to pay its khums.

A Gift whose Khums is Not Paid

Question: If a person gives me a gift from which he has not paid Khums, is it necessary for me to pay khums on it?

Answer: If a person gives a gift to a Shia Ithna Asheri, from which Khums has not been paid, one fifth of it is the liability of the donor himself, and one who gets the gift is not required to pay anything.[1] as long as the receiver is not certain whether the money given to him is subject to khums, he is not required to pay its khums.[2]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Sistani, Question & Answer, gift.
2. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Practical Laws of Islam, Q850.

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