Angels for the friends of Imam Ali (AS)

12:20 - 2022/07/02

the kind God who created us is more kind than our parents; He has given us many blessings because of the love and interest we have for Imam  Ali (AS) (peace be upon him).


Angels for the friends of Imam Ali (AS)


Angels: God has appointed angels for the lovers of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) to pray for them constantly.

If we understand that there are some people in our life who like us, we will be encouraged and happy; People like parents who do everything for the comfort of our lives. Because of their interest in their child, they buy different foods, colorful clothes, or various items.

The kind God who created us is more kind than our parents; He has given us many blessings because of the love and interest we have for Imam Ali (peace be upon him).

Because we are friends and Shiites of Hazrat Ali . The Prophet of God says: God has created seventy thousand angels from the light of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, who will seek forgiveness for him and his loved ones until the Day of Judgment. (Ma'at Manqabah, p. 42)        




 friends of Imam  Ali (AS) 

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