heart-related Dhikrs

13:07 - 2022/11/08


heart-related Dhikrs

heart-related Dhikrs: Mr. Mohammadi Engineer goes to Lale Park every day and walks for half an hour. While walking, he holds a rosary in his hand and recites Dhikr such as "La-ilaha-illA -Allah"[1] and " Alhamdo Lillah".[2] That is, He does sports and enjoys saying Dhikr. so to speak, it's, business and pleasure combined.

Mr. Mohammadi Engineer sometimes remembers God only in his heart.

It means that he does not say anything with his tongue, but he remembers God in his heart.

It is as if he is saying with his heart, "There is no god but Allah and praise be to God."

We angels do not hear such Dhikr. Only God himself hears this kind of Dhikr. God gives great reward to his servant for this kind of remembrance.

in our presence, he also mentions his servant and praises them.


[1]-  " لا  اله الا الله"

[2] - "الحمدالله"


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