Shocking words in childhood

12:30 - 2022/10/29

We, the servants of God, were created to acquire knowledge and then worship and praise the Almighty Lord.

Bahlul said: Where and how did you learn this?!

And do you have a reason to prove it?

Hazrat said: I have learned from God Almighty and from his wise speech, where he says:..........

Shocking words

Shocking words in childhood

Shocking words; Many historians have said:

One day, one of the elders of the city of Samarra, named Bahlul, was passing by a village, and he saw children playing.

And he saw Hazrat Abu Muhammad Hasan bin Ali Askari, peace be upon him - while he was a young child - standing in a corner and crying.

Bahloul thought that because this child has no toys, he looks at the children and cried with regret. That's why he came forward and said: O my child! Don't be sad and don't cry, I will prepare any type of toy you want.

In the same situation and with the same childish language, Hazrat addressed Bahlul and said: "O weak-headed!" Are we humans created for fun and games, that you talk to me like this.

Bahlul asked: So, what were we created for?

The Prophet, peace be upon him, answered him: We, the servants of God, were created to acquire knowledge and then worship and praise the Almighty Lord.

Bahlul said: Where and how did you learn this?!

And do you have a reason to prove it?

Hazrat said: I have learned from God Almighty and from his wise speech, where he says:

Did you suppose that We created you aimlessly and that you will not be brought back to Us?[1]

Then Bahlul, with that position and personality he had, asked for advice from that wise kid.

In the beginning, Hazrat sang some wise poems; And after that, he addressed Bahlul and said: O Bahlul! Be wise, I was with my mother, I saw her trying to light a few pieces of thick firewood under the stove to cook food, But they were not lit until he lit some thin and small firewood and then the big and thick firewood was lit by them.

And my cry is because we don't want to be part of that small firewood of the hellish people.

And my cry is for the reason that God forbid we are part of those small firwoods of the hellish.

By stating such things, Bahloul remained silent and did not say anything more.[2]

Shocking words


[1] - أَفَحَسِبْتُمْ أَنَّمَا خَلَقْنَاكُمْ عَبَثًا وَأَنَّكُمْ إِلَيْنَا لَا تُرْجَعُونَ. Surah momenoon.115

[2] - Ihqaq al-Haqq: vol. 19, p. 620, Sawaeq al-Muharqa: p. 205, Noor Al-abasar: p. 166.


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