Prophet Abraham

12:57 - 2022/10/30


Prophet Abraham

Prophet Abraham (AS) was one of God's good servants who did not have children for many years, but when God gave him a son and he reached the age of youth, God ordered him to sacrifice his son. This work was very difficult for Hazrat Abraham and he could not believe that God asked him for such a thing.

Hazrat Abraham spends his nights thinking about how he can do this. (Command of God)

During this time, Satan tried very hard to dissuade Prophet Abraham from doing this and told him that after all this time of worship God wants you to kill your son.

But Hazrat Abraham did not listen to the words of the devil and only thought about how to be a good servant for God and be able to obey God's words.

The due date arrived. and Abraham and his son Ismail went to the place that God had specified to fulfill God's command.

Hazrat Ismail, who had noticed his father's concern, understood everything and said to only think about following God's orders.

Hazrat Abraham took a knife in his hand and put it on his son's throat to obey God's command, but the knife did not cut his throat and was thrown into the corner.

Hazrat Abraham repeated this work several times, but every time the knife did not cut his throat and was thrown from his hand.

Until a message came from God and said to him: O Abraham, you came out ahead. Leave your son and hug him. We will send you a ram to sacrifice.

In this way, Prophet Abraham came off with flying colors by trusting God and God returned his son to him.

Prophet Abraham


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