Criteria for recognizing true prophets from prophethood claimants - 4

15:36 - 2024/01/01

What is the way to prove the prophethood of a prophet? What are the criteria for recognizing true prophets from false prophets?


Criteria for recognizing true prophets from prophethood claimants - 4

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Clues, proofs and signs of the truthfulness of prophecy:

When we talk about proofs and signs of the truth of prophecy, we mean things like the following:

1. Moral characteristics and social records.

2. The conditions governing the invitation environment.

3. Time conditions.

4. The content of the invitation.

5. Implementation plans and means of reaching the goal.

6. The degree of effectiveness of the invitation in the society.

7. The amount of faith and dedication of the inviter towards his goal.

8. Not to compromise with deviant suggestions.

9. The speed of influence on public opinion.

10. Examining the believers and from what class are they?

In fact, if we carefully examine these ten issues about each claimant and make a precise case from that, we can easily find out his truth or falsehood.

For example, in the case of the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). His good morals, trustworthiness, honesty, and the endurance of many sufferings that he had on the path of his calling are evidences of his truthfulness in the claim of prophethood. Because no one is willing to endure pressure and hardship for years in front of the harshest people and behave with good manners in front of their harassment, just because of some people gather around him and follow his words. Courage, perseverance, good nature, having a big heart, chivalry and tolerance of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) can be obtained through his war and peace. Especially the order of general amnesty that [in various cases, including] about the people of Mecca [who had hurt them the most] after conquering this city and surrendering the bloodthirsty enemies to Islam. He issued a nice document on this matter.

Therefore, we read in the Qur'an:

" It was by that Mercy of Allah that you (Prophet Muhammad) dealt so leniently with them. Had you been harsh and hardhearted, they would have surely deserted you. Therefore, pardon them and ask forgiveness for them. Take counsel with them in the matter and when you are resolved, put your trust in Allah. Allah loves those who trust."[1]

It is obvious that a person who has been placed in a leadership position, if he is violent, impetuous, inflexible and lacks the spirit of forgiveness, he will soon face failure in his plans, the people will be scattered around him, he will cease to be a leader. That's why Imam Ali (peace be upon him) says in one of his short words:

"The means of leadership is tolerance".[2]


[1] Quran (3-159) فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ لِنْتَ لَهُمْ وَلَوْ كُنْتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ فَاعْفُ عَنْهُمْ وَاسْتَغْفِرْ لَهُمْ وَشَاوِرْهُمْ فِي الْأَمْرِ فَإِذَا عَزَمْتَ فَتَوَكَّلْ عَلَى اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُتَوَكِّلِينَ

[2] Nahj al-Balaghah, P. 176 «آلَةُ الرِّياسَةِ سِعَةُ الصَّدرِ»

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