The Rationale of Practicing Slavery in Islam (2)

12:18 - 2016/02/22

It is a brief look at the Islamic view on the rationale of slavery according to the Islamic teachings.

 The Rationale of Practicing Slavery in Islam (2)

When tens of hundreds or thousands of the enemies are arrested by the Muslim army in the battle fields then what must be done with regard to those captured soldiers. There might be any solutions to this problem which will be discussed in this part of this article. Because, this huge number of people cannot be massacred in such a brutal way that non Islamic states did in the past or the terrorist groups do right now wrongfully by the name of Islam.    

Tens of thousands of arrested soldiers cannot be imprisoned; because, the government cannot facilitate them and also it is unjust to imprison such a huge number of people while there could some better ways to treat them. Some may ask that way Islamic state does not free them sending them to their own countries? It is clear that none of the Islamic or non-Islamic government free their enemies, as right now the prisons throughout the worlds are full of prisoners.

The other solution is to liberate them sending them among Muslims inside the Islamic country without any sort of support and helps by the government. It is also unjust because they might be killed by the people considering them as their enemies, in that case no one takes care of them and looks after them, and as a result, they will die soon or late.     

Finally, there remain no other solutions except for giving them to the Muslim families who feed them, support them and also make use of their capabilities. But, Islamic sharia put forth different ways according to which Muslims must free the captives, in different occasions, which has been mentioned in the jurisprudential sources

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