proud king

10:48 - 2022/10/29

The elephants ran away from the house of God because of the stones that were thrown at them.

By God's will, the Kaaba was spared from the attack of Abrahe's army, and that year it became known as "Aamo- Al-fil"


proud king

proud king and big army

proud king: Once upon a time, a king named Abrahe lived in Abyssinia during the time and was very oppressive. He had heard things about God's house, that people gather in that place for worship and they worship God.

The proud king was upset about such a place's existence and wanted everyone to pay attention only to him.

That's why he ordered to build of a temple so that people would choose that place for worship instead of God's house. But the people were not fooled by the great temple of Abrahe and the temple of this cruel king remained empty.

Abraha, who was very angry with this situation, ordered the destruction of the Kaaba so that people would have no place to worship and would have to go to its temple.

To destroy the house of God, he prepared his army, which was very powerful and had very big and strong elephants, and ordered them to move toward the Kaaba.

Many efforts were made to prevent Abrahe's army from going to God's house, but they failed because his army was very strong.

Abraha's army advanced until it approached the holy city of Mecca. The people all asked God to help them and not allow damage to the house of God and their place of worship.

By God's will, a strange thing happened. When Abraha ordered the elephants of his army to attack. The elephants did not move and  had to force them with whips to make them move, but the elephants still stood motionless.
Suddenly a large flock of small birds appeared above Abrahe Army. These birds had stones in their beaks and threw the stones towards Abrahe Army.

The elephants ran away from the house of God because of the stones thrown at them.

By God's will, the Kaaba was spared from the attack of Abraha's army, and that year it became known as "Aam- Al-fil"

The holy Qoran says:

Have you not regarded how your Lord dealt with the army of the elephants?[1]

proud king


[1] - Surah fil:1

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