A Summary of Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults (11)

15:33 - 2023/12/03

- Ahkam: It is a set of rules and guidelines that a Muslim must act within. Like the branches of religion (prayer, fasting, zakat, khums, hajj, jihad, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, Tawalli, Tabarri).

A Summary of Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults (11)

Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults  (Lesson “11”)


* A person who has several ghusls which are obligatory on him, he can perform one ghusl with the intention of all of them.

* A person who has performed ghusl for janabat should not perform ablution for prayer, but with other ghusls, one cannot pray and must perform ablution.

*Ghusl of Jabira is the same as ablution of Jabira.

* A person who has taken an obligatory fast cannot take an Irtimasi bath because the whole head will be in water, according to the  obligatory (Wajeb) precaution, it invalidates the fast.

Ghusl of touching the dead body:

If someone touches a part of his body to the body of a dead person whose body is cold and has not been bathed yet, he must perform the ghusl of the dead body.


In these cases, Tayammum should be performed instead of ablution (Wozu) or ghusl:

A- There is no water, or it is not possible to access it. or it is harmful for human. or it is so little that if he performs ablution with it, he and others will be thirsty or sick.

B- If the prayer time is short, if he performs ablution or takes a bath, his prayer time will be over.

Tayammum order:

Five things are obligatory in Tayammum:

1- Intention (Niyat)

2 - Striking or keeping both the palms on the object on which tayammum is valid. As an obligatory precaution,  this should be done by both the palms together.

3- Wiping or stroking both hands on the forehead and its two sides, from the place where the hair grows to the eyebrows and above the nose, as a necessary precaution, the hands should also be placed on the eyebrows.

4 - Wiping the left palm over the entire back of the right hand.

5 Wiping the right palm over the entire back of the left hand, the fingers are also part of the palm. In order to make sure that he has wiped the entire back of his hand, he should also wipe a little above the wrist. [1]

[1] This Text is provided form the Treatise and Fatwas of Ayatullah Khamenaie (May God save him):



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