A Summary of Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults (12)

15:51 - 2023/12/03

- Ahkam: It is a set of rules and guidelines that a Muslim must act within. Like the branches of religion (prayer, fasting, zakat, khums, hajj, jihad, enjoining the good, forbidding the evil, Tawalli, Tabarri).

Ahkam (Islamic Rules) for Teenagers and Young Adults  (Lesson “12”)


* A person should remove the ring from his hand for Tayammum and if there is another obstacle in his forehead or hands, he should remove it.

* All the work of Tayammum must be done with the intention of Tayammum and to obey God's order. Also, he should know that whether his Tayammum is instead of ablution (Wozu) or Ghusl.

Things that Tayammum must be done on:

Tayammum is correct on soil, sand, stone, and baked clay, like bricks, if they are clean. According to Ayatollah Khamenei (May God save him), Tayammum on cement and mosaic is also okay.

Tayammum rules:

There is no difference between the Tayammum which is instead of ablution and the Tayammum which is instead of ghusl, except for their intention (Niyat). A person who performs Tayammum instead of ablution, if one of the acts that invalidates ablution happens to him, his Tayammum will be invalidated too.

*Tayammum is correct if a person cannot perform ablution or bath (Ghusl). so if he performs Tayammum without an excuse, his Tayammum is not correct.

  * If he has an excuse and his excuse is removed, as if he did not have water, and then he finds it, his Tayammum is invalid.

Prayer (Salat):

There are five daily prayers and their total is 17 rak'ahs.

The morning prayer is 2 rak'ahs and its time is from the morning Azan to prayer until sunrise.

Dhuhr prayer is 4 rak'ahs and its time is from noon to 4 minutes after sunset, if he prays each rak'ahs in one minute. evening prayer is 4 rak'ahs and its time is 4 minutes after noon to sunset. Maghrib prayer is 3 rak'ahs from Maghrib Azan is until 7 minutes to midnight. Isha prayer is 4 rak'ahs and its time is 3 minutes after Maghrib  Azan/call to prayer until midnight. Halve the time between sunset and morning call to prayer to know the midnight.

* If he has not prayed the Maghrib and Isha prayers until midnight, he should pray both of them until the morning Azan/call to prayer, without the intention of Ada (on time) or Qaza (out of time).[1]


[1] This Text is provided form the Treatise and Fatwas of Ayatullah Khamenaie (May God save him):



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